Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I was curious about why we can dream when we sleep. I curious about it since I grade 5. At that time, I had a really bad dream or like nightmare. And it's looks really really real for me. I was curious about it because when I dream, I feel it really looks real. Why? Is that real? Is that like we have that moment in the very very long time ago? Sometimes I can have a very good dream and I can have a nightmare. Why it can be happen? And after I dream and I wake up, I can't remember about the dream, just the people that in my dream. I don't know what happen if I dreaming. I also find many people that I never seen before. My friends said "You don't have believe it!". They also said, dream is just what I want, but that was not achieved. So we imagine we have that things, etc. But I also think about it. Even my mother advised me, to not to believe it all. It's just a dream. Not the real one. She often said that. But it rarely helped me. I always try to understand and remember the word that they said to me. But I always remember that nightmare. It makes me afraid.

I also wanted to know where are we if we dream? I am so confused about it. Am I in that place or may be in another place? At the last time, about two weeks or three weeks before, I saw my little brother talk to me but he was still slept. He spoke but it was unclear. And I think some people already feel like that. Even he was walk but he still slept. I called him but he just spoke with unclear while walk to the bed again. I really shocked and also I afraid. I ask my mother what happen, she just said my little brother had a nice dream. He was in really nice place at his dream. I still didn't believe it. Why it can be happen? When we talk or walk when sleep, are we fell it? Why we can't fell it? If I met some people in the dream, is they had a same dream with me, or not? And the last question that I curios is "How can I don't have a dream during I sleep?"

I think that is that I really really curious about. There are some questions that still in my mind. Why? What happen? And where? It's all about dream. If you have the answer that you know, you can comment on my post. I will like to read that because I really confused about it. Thank you. I hope you enjoy!

Image by: Jer Kunz

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